Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Futher thoughts on the Divinity of Mexican food

This is too brilliant not to share.

For those of you unaware, I have a brother. He does not facebook or twitter, and he's sometimes a little hard to get ahold of. HOWEVER he may, in fact, be one of the smartest men I know and also, perhaps, one of the wittiest.

Apparently, he was forwarded my recent Proof of God's existence. He apparently tried to comment, only to find his comment was too long. He then emailed them to me. I am reproducing it here because I haven't laughed this hard since, well about 45 minutes ago when I saw this video.. Before that, however, it's been a good long time.

Without further ado-

"Dear Persuasive Blogger,

Although you present a rather valid argument regarding the connection between God and the culinary expertise of the Hispanic culture I must indulge in the greater exploration of your analysis. As you seem to point out over all it isn’t necessarily the actual food that serves as the gateway to God, but rather the locations in which said foods are served. Your points include the cheese covered indulgences, the mariachi inspired interiors that resemble the stomach of a muppet, the high profile food items that are by today’s standards iconic, and the sophisticated green ancestor of the Sonic slushy. In many more ways do the elements of Mexican food match up with common beliefs of Trinity based faiths. Take for instance the fact that Mexican food in its own is a variety of assortments of the same ingredients. Tacos are meat, cheese, and vegetables on a tortilla, burritos are meat, beans, and cheese on flour tortillas, enchiladas are meat, cheese, and vegetables rolled up in a tortilla and topped with more cheese, nachos are meat cheese and vegetables on a bunch of small tortillas. This could follow common Christian belief that all individuals are composed of the same moral and soulful building blocks but are different and unique. Another parallel would be the fact that in Christian Faith humans are naturally sinful, though they have the ability to rise above this and work towards God’s grace. Many Mexican restaurants can have bad food and thus serve as a shame towards the glory of the Mexican Restaurant Ideal. Other restaurants serve extremely delicious food things that rectify them saints among restaurants. Finally most Mexican restaurants have a mix of both good and bad, but mostly good, much in the way human existence is seen through the eyes of God. My curiosities arises in the idea that if Mexican food can prove the existence of God, can other outlets of other culinary venues prove the existence of other deities or idols?

Take Greek food for example. Since most Hispanic cultures follow Christian based faith, let’s assume that Greek food would point towards the existence of ancient Greek Gods of Olympus. The foods often found with Greek dinning are comprised of ingredients susceptible very much too fluctuating quality. This can link a similarity with the mood swings of old gods and goddesses. Depending on the season some foods are better than others. Additionally the gods of old were known to play tricks on those praising them for amusement. In many a Greek restaurant I have entered (such as the Mad Greek from Lawrence KS) I have found menu items that actually belong more towards a different culture such as ravioli. This confuses me greatly as I thought I was in a Greek restaurant and I am torn between ordering something Greek or something Italian. In a way similar to how Zeus’s wrath would be if a peasant changed devotions, horrible stomach pains would arise from my Ravioli meal. The restaurant has in a way tricked me in food poisoning via their offering of something different.

If one idol is not good enough let us look at the existence of Buddha in Asian Restaurants. One of the largest components of Buddhism is the search for enlightenment and meditation. The atmosphere of most West World dining facilities is tranquil with soft melodic music and soothing dark lighting. You feel at peace in these locations as long as there is not an obnoxious American child demanding chicken fingers. Buddha was also a idol from the people and much of menu options found are those from the common people. Nothing too terribly fancy and if it is, it has its roots founded on an old house wife’s recipe. One last parallel to be found is the insistence of humility. Many, many dishes humble even the proudest of indulgers with their horribly spicy peppers that remain unnamed and ambiguous on the list of things poisonous to humans. Please also note that Mexican food also has spicy food that humbles the stomachs of many similar to the teachings of humility by God.

As an overall point I include one of your own arguments that perhaps there can indeed be multiple Gods based and the status quo in culture. For instance you stated that Mexican Tacos, Burritos, and Nachos are iconic and the most well know. Well God is considered the most prominent spiritual leader of this planet. The lesser iconic foods with their gods hold a less of a hold on the beliefs on humanity. In this regard I do agree with your ascertain that Mexican Food is indeed evidence towards the existence of God, but I question if others might exist as well. As one once said to Luke, “you are a Tru man of God” by his gospels and teaching, but most prominently for his journey into understanding the teachings. Without exploration or questions one will not find enlightenment or delicious foods, and with this I say to you good day…

-A Mysterious Man"

50 gold stars for my brother.

(P.S. I've ended up talking about mexican food way more than I originally planned on in this blog. I should have named it "Mexican Food and Bloody Marys" maybe)

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