Friday, July 2, 2010

The REAL Summer Music Post

(Probably the first of 2 or 3 installments- notice none of that was in French, I just let the exciting subject matter speak for itself)

(also, please notice my increased technical prowess with that supersweet link!!! omg I'm going to be a pro at this interwebs stuff in *NO TIME*)

H'ok, so first things first- this is by no means a comprehensive list of what I have listened to this summer so far, it's just either a) brand spanking new, b) new-ish but new to me and/or deserves more recognition or c) old, but awesome, and I've been listening to it a lot. Love it or hate it, my tastes run quite a gamut. The titles are links (!!!!!) to the albums on itunes, for your perusal/purchasing pleasure.

Janelle Monáe The ArchAndroid
Ranging from a tripped out Bhudda-chill vibe on "Sir Greendown" to a candy coated bounce on "Wondaland," The ArchAndroid has pretty much *everything.* Conceptually, Monáe presents herself as some sort of futuristic savior? Or maybe renegade? I still don't quite understand it, and I've read the liner notes about 24 times (PS there are liner notes- who even does that anymore?- this is reason enough to love the album). It really doesn't matter, because the album is an experience start to finish. The single "Tightrope" is a charged, funky juggernaut of a number, and definitely deserves some party play. Other standouts include the afore mentioned "Sir Greendown," a wonderfully ponderous and ethereal little gem which is followed by "Cold War," one of the most infectious joyous yet militant songs I've heard in quite a while. Really though, while I have my favorites, the entire album really is fantastic. Highly recommended.

The Noisettes Wild Young Hearts
Deliciously retro and decidedly catchy, The Noisettes first caught my attention at (quelle surprise) a gay bar in Houston. A remix of "Don't Upset The Rhythm" was playing on the TV in the bar and I thought "well that's a good time" and went and promptly downloaded 3 mixes of the song- the original and 2 remixes (the Kissy Sell Out is GREAT). Lo and behold, at a Target 3 months later, the album cover caught my eye and I got the whole thing. And how happy I am that I did. A compact 10-song play list makes for a great length- it's not too long, and no song sounds like any of the others. The first half of the album is especially strong. "Never Forget You" and "Wild Young Hearts" both capture a youthful, sunny energy, while the blistering "Saturday Night" will definitely convince you that blood is to be had on the dance floor, and you won't want to miss it, either. Finally, "Atticus" is brooding and contemplative, always verging on a total rock out session, but never going there. It's dark but awesome. Très worth your attention.

BT These Hopeful Machines
BT is pretty much a demigod. He has some of the best 4/4 thumpa thumpa techno around- always interesting and often quite moving (check out "Sunblind" on the second disc of Rare and Remixed, or "Simply Being Loved" on Emotional Technology), and his albums are explorations of what technology can do to break down and restructure sounds. These Hopeful Machines, which dropped February 2nd, is 2 long play sides. A Side, clocking in at 58 minutes (unfortunately, it's all one track- there might be a version available with the "songs" broken into different tracks, which I would highly recommend, but even still, it's totally worth having), has some breathtaking moments - around 9 minutes "The Emergency" begins, and it is dark and crystaline and absolutely gorgeous; also the last 'movement' of the disc "Forget Me" is an 'we're-all-too-fragile-but-live-life-to-the-fullest-anyway' supercharged send off that is just *begging* for a speeding ticket. Also, the Armen Van Buuren Remix of "Every Other Way" is not to be missed.

And, finally, a playlist of assorted goodies

Ramalama (Bang Bang) - Roisin Murphy
Soldier of Love - Sade
Stay by Me - Annie Lennox
When The Lights Go Down In The City - Journey
I'm Not Perfect - Grace Jones
Teeth - Lady GaGa
Animal - Ke$ha
Lil Freak - Usher featuring Nicki Minaj
Beautiful Liar - Beyonce & Shakira
Ventura Highway - America
You Make Lovin' Fun - Fleetwood Mac
Change Your Mind - The Killers

Happy Listening!

Post Script: READER INTERACTION!!! I usually hate it in shows when the performers go out into the audience to torment some poor person by dragging them onto stage and making them do a dance or sing along or wear a funny hat or something, UNLESS that's the kind of show it is- then it's fair game. So I'm warning you in advance, if you don't want to participate, you don't have to. BUT I'm always on the hunt for new awesome music, so if you have recommendations, they are highly encouraged.

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