Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Friday afternoon and I'm having a Grape Slush to celebrate

Never mind that I had one yesterday, too.

OK, so to be completely honest, I don't have much reason to celebrate Fridays at the moment. Monday is my day off, so Friday is actually kind of hump day for me. And I still have 3 more nights to go until a break (and THIS week, I don't even get Monday off- I'm not bitching, I don't want this to be that post, I'm just sayin'- I digress...)

ANYWAY, for the rest of the American world, it's Friday and that means Thank You Sweet Baby Jesus time. Cel-e-brate good times, c'mon. Et cetera. There are many ways to celebrate Friday- some are small, some are not so small. I recommend all of these to you.

Maybe not all at once.

1) Grape slush from Sonic. OK, if you live someplace that there aren't Sonics, I hate to break it to you, but this just won't work out for you. You are just S.O.L. and that is a low down dirty crying shame because if grape slushes were a food, they would be on the Greatest Foods of All Time Ever list. I'm serious. These delicious ecstasy-laced beverages will brighten your Friday like few other things in this world (actually, the only other things that are equivalent are on this list). Fake Grape + shaved ice = sheer genius.

HEALTH HAZARD: You have to be careful with the Grape Slush because they are so. good. and you will want to just chug that sucker right down. However, the Grape Slush has designed a defense mechanism against that and it is called brain freeze. Brain freeze is actually not harmful, but it sure does hurt. You will feel, well, like your brain has been dipped in liquid nitrogen. If you don't know what that does, watch the end of Terminator 2. It will feel like that. All I'm sayin' is, enjoy your slush s l o w l y.

2) Trip to Spain. What better way to say "I'm done being a work-a-holic" than going to a country where the *whole country* takes a nap in the afternoon? (I've not actually been to Spain, or anywhere in Europe for that matter, but I do know like 17 words in French) It's easy- just hop a flight and head over! Eat some Tapas, see some cathedrals, play some soccer. It will be an awesome weekend!

HEALTH HAZARD: You might get stampeded by a bull. Depending on the town, or if you are in the countryside, or in a bull fighting ring, the possibility exists that you might be in danger. Precautions you can take are: avoid wearing red, don't sign up for any mixer parties in bull fighting arenas, keep your wallet in your front pocket. I'm not sure how this will help, but it sounds like sound advice.

3) Go see Inception. But don't tell me about it, because I want to see it. I hear it's so. good.

HEALTH HAZARD: Not much, just don't have a heart attack during the movie. Also, go easy on the butter on the popcorn. You don't need all those calories.

4) Put on 80's music and slide around in your socks and underwear like Tom Cruise in that movie. I mean, come on! It's FRIDAY! If that doesn't make you want to dance and sing in a state of undress, I don't know what will (Also, your life can't be a musical because it breaks one of the rules "all musicals MUST have a number in some semi-unclothed state." Think about it, and you'll know I'm right).

HEALTH HAZARD: If you aren't careful, you will crash into things as you are sliding around. Also, falling is a potential danger. Be careful! And also, it's not exactly a health hazard, but make sure that the blinds are drawn, unless you want your neighbor playing paparazzi.

5 Go out to eat. This may seem like an obvious choice, but it's obvious for a great reason. I would recommend Mexican, but anything will do. Go out, be social, be seen, eat delicious food. It's pretty simple.

HEALTH HAZARD: Chips can be pointy and cut your mouth. That's pretty much all I can think of.

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