Monday, November 8, 2010

Mondays: GET 'ER DONE!

So there's that song Manic Monday, and I have to say, I just don't understand it. A sort of sad, droopy sounding music plays and the Bangles lament that it's "just another manic Monday" and how they wish it was Sunday because it's a "funday." I hear that song and it just depresses me. It sounds like the saddest parts of the 80s all rolled into one- crimped hair, boots and shorts, elastic waisted jeans- but then add rain and bad traffic. So essentially, what I imagine Portland to be. And what's more, there's a lot of passive aggressive anger at Monday in that song, which I don't think is healthy at all.

I think we need to have a re-examination of our relationship with Monday. We need to understand what Monday is- it's weaknesses and it's strengths. You could look at Monday as the end of the weekend, OR you could look at it as the start of a brand new week. You can't have a great week on Saturday only. You have to start on Monday.

Also, a lot of commerce is reduced or stopped completely on Sunday. Awesome job standing in the way of economic recovery, Sunday. Monday gets things up and going again. Mondays are the stimulus of weekdays- unpopular, but necessary. History will remember the good you've done, Monday.

And while we're on the topic of the day the precedes Monday, I know that it has it's strengths (brunch is pretty much one of the most awesomest things ever in the history of all time), but it's not all mimosas and lounging. Anybody who has ever had to finish an arts and craft project over the weekend and run out of blue pipe cleaners at 6 pm on Sunday evening knows how sweet it is that closing time at Hobby Lobby on Monday is 8 o'clock and not 6. And any day that Chik-fil-a isn't open definitely has some explaining to do.

But before this turns into a rant against the other weekdays, let's focus on the day at hand: Monday. It's the newness of it, the possibility of success that give Monday it's value. The week you win the lottery starts with a Monday. So does the week when somebody proposes to you. If we stopped looking at Monday as a douchebag for ruining the weekend (and while I love weekending as much as anybody else, lest we forget, most things are best in moderation- and weekends would grow intolerable if there weren't something to make them special), we could appreciate Monday- because, quite frankly, Monday is a kick-off party for a full week of getting things done.

If you have a list of things to do, Monday is your man. Monday says 'give me your list' and then it allows you to totaly pwn it. If you work with Monday, and not against it, you will be happier, more accomplished, and the weekends will be that much more awesome.

So Manic Monday? I don't think so. I've decided that the NEW Monday song is Beyonce's Upgrade U. She says that "this won't be easy" but "trust me, you need me." And if you trust her, you can "build up your accounts." That means get rich. You need Monday to get rich. Six star suites, Hermes briefcases, Cartier tie clips- hello?!? I mean, I don't even wear tie clips, but it's the principle of the thing. Plus it's sung by Beyonce AND Jay-Z makes a cameo. I don't know about you, but my day is made a little bit more spectacular by the presence of those two. And if you could pick, who wouldn't want a spectacular Monday?

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