Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Has it Really been a Month?!??!

I mean, really?

I can't believe it's been an entire month. Not a couple of weeks. Not even almost a month. A whole, start-to-finish, pay-the-bills-on-the-first-and-the-fifteenth kind of month.

That's so much time! A month is 1/12th of the year. 30 whole, gigantic, enormous days. And if I'm not mistaken, somewhere around that many nights.

This is a little ridiculous, I must admit, even for me.

But now that I think about it, I've been busy with one or two things. In fact, I've been busy with quite a few things. I dare say that I might have had 30 major events happen during this month, which totally excuses my lack of blogging. At least 30. Probably closer to 87 or so.

And just to prove it, I'm going to list them.

-I got a job. (HUZZAH!) (the most important thing that happened, also the thing that has taken up the majority of my time- if anyone has a recommendation of a job that pays well that I can do in about 20 minutes, email me please and thank you)
-I joined a gym. (which, due to my job, I use very infrequently, but I still did it.)
-I drove a white, 15 passenger van from Brownsville to Austin in 4.5 hours to make it to a Gorillaz concert. ( this is usually a 5+ hour trip, and some might marvel at my time. It may have been whispered that I drive dangerously- I would argue that I drive safely, but with a sense of urgency.)
-I saw Gorillaz (pretty awesome, I just wish I knew the music better beforehand so I could have sang along)
-I have become obsessed with Star Trek.
-I may or may not have found a Star Trek encyclopedia on the interwebs to find out about all the stuff I don't yet know about the history/races featured in the story ( for instance, I may have read all about the Earth-Romulan War, the Delta quadrant, and a handful of other subjects. Maybe.)
-I made a number of new friends (among them, Andrea, Hannah, Whitney, Angela, and Evan). They're pretty spectacular.
-I voted.
-I bought (and drank) wine that I am embarrassed to admit to having bought and drank.
-I picked out some delicious red wine that I'm thrilled and proud of myself for having picked out.
-I watched Princess and the Frog at least 6 times.
-I watched "Goin' down the Bayou" and "Dig a Little Deeper" from Princess and the Frog an additional 43 or so times.
-I managed to convince Jeffrey that I am trustworthy, and he now lets me pet him. I'm in love.
-I discovered (along with the date) the spectacular 24Diner in Austin. Highly recommended.
-I started a third twitter account. (They are: aaroncglover, tipsyginger, and travelingginger, from oldest to newest, respectively. Follow 'em all!)
-I saw the border fence.
-Did I mention I'm obsessed with Star Trek? Because I am.
-I forgot to get my jacket for three separate trips. (I'm pretty embarrassed about that)
-I tried to gift some music on iTunes, but it wouldn't work, and I was pretty pissed about it. (bastards)
-I apparently have somehow caused my face to return to it's early adolescent stage and have had at least one mountain sized zit somewhere on my face at all times for the past 3 weeks. Not. A. Fan.
-I watched Little Shop of Horrors projected on a hotel wall.
-I went to a book fair and didn't look at any of the books, but had a fabulous time.
>>>>>>>>Ok, I would just like to point out that coming up with 30 entirely separate things that happened to me over 30 days is HARD. I am giving myself a Gold Star for effort<<<<<<
-I am *almost* caught up on Glee.
-I drank a beer while I waited to get my hair cut.
-Star Trek Star Trek Star Trek!!!
-I bought my sister's Christmas present.
-I took the dogs to a kennel.
-I wore a 7 foot tall duck costume.
-I got a pumpkin shake at the snazziest Braum's I've ever seen or been in.


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