Saturday, August 21, 2010


Faithful readers, I am in the midst of a small/gigantic upheaval period. This is the last day at my job and I have a guest and so between the packing and the drinking and the show and more drinking, I have been a bit busy.
Tomorrow we embark on what will be the beginning of what is a weeklong sojourn to my new home. I am hoping to get to post sometime mid week. I haven't forgotten you all or this blog, I promise.

In fact, I'm not even putting this on facebook or twitter, so if you read this, you must be doing it because you actually check my blog of your own desire, and not my constant self promotion. In which case, you must actually love me, or at least think i'm mildly amusing, and for that, you deserve a gold star.

More soon.


  1. YES Gold star! Good luck with the move, I'm sure you'll find something fantastic to do :)

  2. i need more reading material please:)
